Fastest mile piggy back race
Owen Larsen, Jordan Botwright
11:11.81 minute(s), second(s)
Reino Unido (Plymouth)
Restrição de idade: Os pedidos para este título de recorde só serão aceitos se o candidato tiver 16 anos de idade ou mais.

The fastest mile piggy back race is 11 min 11.81 sec and was achieved by Owen Larsen and Jordan Botwright (both UK) in Devon, UK, on 2 July 2015

Owen Larsen (carrier) and Jordan Botwright are both members of 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery Workshop based at The Royal Citadel Plymouth in Devon, UK. The record attempt took place at Brickfield's athletics track in Plymouth as part of a charity event which raised over £1000 for the Army Benevolent Fund.