Most people using virtual reality displays (multiple venues)
Xian Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd.
2,340 people
China ()

The most people using virtual reality displays in multiple venues is 2,340 and was achieved by Xian Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd. (China) at 6 locations across China, on 10 October 2018.

The 6 locations were in 5 cities - Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan and Xi'an.

There were 2,375 participants in total, and 35 participants disqualified during the attempt, so the final result is 2,340 participants.

The purpose of the record attempt was to raise awareness of schizophrenia to the public. 10 October is World Mental Health Day, which is why the attempt was held on that day.

The title of the VR short film was 'The World Record of Mr.S', and explained how Mr.S recovered from Schizophrenia.