Fastest circumnavigation by scheduled flights, visiting six continents (team)
Gunnar Garfors, Ronald Haanstra, Erik de Zwart
56:56 day(s), hour(s), minute(s)
Austrália (Sydney)
Restrição de idade: Os pedidos para este título de recorde só serão aceitos se o candidato tiver 16 anos de idade ou mais.

The fastest circumnavigation by scheduled flights, visiting six continents (team) is 56 hours and 56 minutes and was achieved by Gunnar Garfors (Norway), Ronald Haanstra and Erik de Zwart (both Netherlands), around the world, from 31 January - 2 February 2018.

They started off in Sydney (Australia) and touched down in Santiago de Chile (Chile), Panama City (Panama), Madrid (Spain), Algiers (Algeria) and Dubai (UAE) before heading back to Sydney again.